Tuesday, 18 October 2011

I had....this happen to me before

Pursuit Of Happiness

Really HIGH and
1. you laugh uncontrollably because you realize how high you are and how high everyone else is and how everything else you wouldn't give a second thought about when your sober is now compltely ridicoulous.
2. your vision gets really sensitive and your eyes may feel like they're messed up. don't worry, thats just pressure being relieve from them caused by an excess of blood flow to the cornea and conjuctiva.
3. you find yourself thinking about something deeply introspective (metacognition) and then completely forget what you were thinking about, then spend all your mental energy on trying to remember what you were thinking about, only for you to forget that you were trying to remember something you forgot about and just start to think about something completley different.
4. your sexual desire will increase, and you will talk to anything that you want to engages in sexual intercourse with, with complete disregard for what your actually saying. if you do engage in a sexual act you will find that it will be incredible and every sensation you feel will be better by an exponential margin.
5. music sounds amazing. you will hear every single instrument used, without really listening to it. certain genres of music and certain musicians will make your high feel elevated. music will put your mind into a pensive and contemplative state and you can spend hours engaged in this activity.
6. your apetite will increase and you will find that every piece of food you consume tastes ridiculously amazing. you will not realize how much food you consume until someone tells you that you ate the entire bag of cheetohs, at which point you will look for a bag of doritos or fun-yuns
7. you will aprecciate everything around you and a state of absolute euphoria will encompass your psychological activity. Stress and worry will be reduced by a large amount.
8. confusion sets in and you will find yourself baffled at very elementary problems

1. Happy- The only reason you feel anything at all is because you're glad that you're beginning your alcohol binge.

2. Tipsy- Your first shot has taken effect. You feel as though you may "tip" over.

3. Buzzed- A slight pressure inside your head. You feel as though you can walk up to anyone in the bar and take them home tonight.

4. Drunk (aka sloshed)- Your limbs have stopped working the way you want them to. Speech slurred. You may also feel a sloshing feeling from the alcohol contents in your stomach.

5. Hammered- You're sitting on the floor of the club wondering how you got there. By now, the pressure in your head has elevated to a hammering feeling.

6. All fucked up- You have reached the trifecta of alcohol consumption! To reach this state, you probably have mixed your beers, wines, and liquors. Congratulations!

7. So drunk you act sober again- Rinse and repeat

Both combine fast and slow at the same time u will get brain chain reaction. U will be like dreaming and having illusions and last, u past out till u sobering down the next day. U will get memory lost. But u will only remember the parts before u get that SUPER HIGH.

And the trippy nightmare dreams....that dreams that i use to fall down from high ground when small , chase by a HUGE black WTF thing...but dreams that...few months back i had a lucid dreams....that never gonna wake up but actually am i having illusions? Maybe. I search all web and history of worlds they called this dream is a nightmare. Is understood to be caused by monster, demon, ghost, shaman, saitan and alot more that pulling u down or sitting on top of you and watching you...

The Nightmare, is thought to be one of the classic depictions of sleep paralysis perceived as a demonic visitation.


And i found Sleep paralysis, is u paralyze when u sleeping that may considered to a disease. Some evidence suggests that it can also be a symptom of migrane. wtf??

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